Varia epigraphica del País valenciano

The authors present sir inscriptions here: about the two first, that are commonly considered falle, they want to reivindicate their authenticity or, at least, to make evident that their falseness is not sure; on the other hand, they correct the lecture of the two following; the other two are inedite...

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Autor Principal: Corell, Josep
Otros Autores: Grau Codina, Ferran (Autor), Gómez Font, Xavier, 1962- (Autor)
Publicado en: Fortunatae: Revista canaria de Filología, Cultura y Humanidades Clásicas N. 4, 1992, p. 201-212
Tipo de contenido: Artículo
Idioma: Castellano
Publicado: 1992
ISSN: 1131-6810
Acceso en línea: Texto completo
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