Las "Elegías" de Propercio como modelo de las "Odas" de Rodrigo de Santaella

In 1504, Santaella published some variations on Propertius´elegies to praise Mary, the Mother of God. The different stylistic, semantic, syntactic and phonetic procedures used to achieve this, are exemplified in the article, which also deals with the chief purpose of adapting the themes, words, as w...

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Autor Principal: Pascual Barea, Joaquín, 1963-
Publicado en: Euphrosyne: Revista de filología clássica N. 23, 1995, p. 309-318
Tipo de contenido: Artículo
Idioma: Castellano
Publicado: 1995
ISSN: 0870-0133
Acceso en línea: Texto completo
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